Thursday 28 June 2012


Let me tell you a story
long ago,there existed this creature on planet earth.It was the most peculiar creature.It had 4 hands,four legs,two heads and two sets of reproductive organs.The gods came to fear this creature as this creature was invinscible in terms of strength,brain power and most importantly itsself-reproductivity..this creature did not require dependence of any kind and was capable of vanquishing the gods.One day god decided to weaken this creature as it threatened their position in heaven and so they hit the creature in the most tender part of its body..the one, it had only one..the soul..and so the creature seperated into two bodies each with 2 hands,two legs,one head and a set of reproductive organs.This creature was weaker..and depended on the other to survive..together they would be as good as when they were a part of the same body.Hence the gods decided to exile these creatures on planet earth in such a away that it becomes impossible for them to ever meet.This is how the gods maintained their position in heaven.This sacrafice was made to restore god its strength and power.The gods continued to live content in themselves that nothing will ever threaten their sanctity ever again.It took years,months and ages before those two halves would meet and when they finally met their souls reunited to create an unbelieveably strong power.Seeing this the gods did not part them again,taking mercy of their souls vulnerablity and the pain and thirst it underwent in finding its own other half...the gods allowed them to live together in peace and helped them create newer life on this planet.Their creation did not have the same strength and intelligence or even a complete soul but that was because their creation would grow to discover the other half of its soul and this is how life moved on.
As you may have guessed that those two halves of that creature were the make of a man and a women and their creation was a complete human being.The look for real love was this hunt for the other half of our souls,which like ages ago was exiled.If you are looking for true love then it would take that painstaking effort of years..the yearning of the soul..and the sacred comittment to love and devotion to the purpose...and only then will the voice of your soul be heard and god will reunite you with your other half.
Hence if love is what you are looking for..true love of the kind which will make you feel like you have attained nirvana..or an ultimate peace of mind and will take you years of effort and knowledge,bruised and tired body...but ultimately your goal will reach you to your the gods remain in the heavens because of our faith,prayers,sacrifices and devotion..and its them who will ultimately reward you..
when prophet was asked to sacrifice his son ,whom he loved so dearly,,,the god were testing his ultimate level of devotion ...what he can do to attain gods mercy and love on him...when he free d his heart of its ultimate bondage with his son..and agreed to sacrifice his son..the gods blessed him..and replaced his son with a goat..
true love should never die but struggle and sacrifice is required to attain it as its the most precious reward of all...