Tuesday 7 February 2012


100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90…………………77 74...oops sorry 76………………………………..4321
This is pretty much the counting game that goes on within our heads when life tests you. A simple and effective anger management strategy, splashed over pschycology books and news paper articles and although the exercise sounds like the ultimatum of a ticking atom bomb, it does help to calm down those who know how to tell the difference between 1 and 2.However women are operationally different. If they can’t splatter outwards they will certainly splatter a lot inside. So just because she is quite about her boyfriend not being on time does not mean that she isn’t cursing him inwards. Just because she ‘’did not mind’’ your criticism about any one of her decisions does not mean she isn’t plotting to bring you down. ‘’Never mind’’ is a very dangerous term used by women often more dangerous than the ticking atom bomb. It’s basically the time every woman buys to find an effective strategy to bring you down and this just does not apply to men. So if you are a female you should not be surprised if your best friend is still resenting a flak you gave her about not having the right arms to wear sleeveless after years. This inward splattering is what we girls commonly code as ‘’bitching’’.
One of the best bitching issues among both males and females is the mates they bag. Its only natures rule that we compare all our possessions with our kind, mates being especially one of the biggest issues. So if you are a guy and you have a sexual devein as your girlfriend, rest assured you are the prime bitched about topic. Men just can’t see other men sitting on the throne of glory. Something they secretly code as ‘’the king of studs’’. However sexual deveins are hard to earn if you aren’t Glad rags Mister India with the bank balance of bill gates. Every woman prefers rich and successful men forgetting that essential detail that rich and successful men can pretty much get any women to striptease for them and when women ‘’discover’’ this issue they cushion their injured egos by calling them ‘’pricks’’. What most women forget is that if we were the queen of queens we could make an income bigger than any billionaire by just exploiting these million dollar men. So while most of these men are medicating their wounded hearts by singing ‘’Why this Kolaveri Di’?’ and drowning themselves in whisky we are happily out shopping for the latest Prada bag. Mind you, women heal faster than men using retail therapy because a smart minded woman knows that anything which does not have a mind of its own will remain with them forever.
The funniest comedy shows are never on television, it’s when a few girls putting the best friends tag on themselves are out to brunch. Mind you of this lot one has to be the most ‘’in’’ and the others are trying desperately to hold onto loose threads. While the usual topics go on and the topic of mates come up, at least one of them will ‘’carelessly’’ show of a photograph of her and her boyfriend adorning the me+ you=forever look on their faces. Secretly these girls are desperately trying to seek approval. When showered with the ‘’Omg!! You guys are so good together!!’’ they relax inwards, feeling relieved that they can remain with their boyfriends for at least another year if not much. What she doesn’t know is that the rest girls are plain laughing inwards at her choice or simply comparing their boyfriend’s status. While most girls are remarkably dumb with math they can shock a 99 percentile er in CAT with their quick mental status calculation. For the slight narrow minded ones caste also plays as status. Dont blame women for that. Its only animalistic instinct that they want to lay the best eggs in the market, and that can’t happen without the best sperms. The same applies for men only in a different context. It’s their animalistic urge to mate, irrespective of whether the female can lay eggs or not as long as the female doesn’t scare their urge away by looking hideous. Quality and content comes later on, or maybe never. Men can live with that. Men are remarkably good at role plays. While they are lions at fighting out their territories they become sweet little kittens in front of attractive women. They tend to take mission impossible too seriously when they brush shoulders with an attractive prospect. I f a guy convinces you that he has ‘’never seen you like that’’. They basically mean that they have bedded you at least a thousand times in their dreams .Don’t blame them, its their hunter instinct after all.
While having stepped into the pschique of bitching, a true color of our evolution splashes out onto the canvas of life. So there you go folks no matter how advanced we get, our instincts will always be primeval. So much for being Homo sapiens.